Saturday, January 29, 2011

Lizard Tattoos - How to Get the Perfect Design For Your Body

There are definitely a lot of designs which people can choose from if they decide to get a tattoo for their bodies. If you go to tattoo shops or even search online, you can get as many ideas as possible and you can decide from there. However, if for some reason, lizard tattoos get stuck in your head and you definitely want to get one, then you must have a pretty good reason for doing so. Sure enough, they may look great on your body, but it is also important that they symbolize something important so that when people ask you about it, you can answer them with utmost knowledge and intelligence. Here are just some of the several reasons why people choose lizard tattoos to be printed on their bodies:
• One reason that people adore getting inked with lizard tattoo designs is that they look great in the body. Since these lizards have elongated bodies and flexible body parts, the tattoo artist can play around the designs so that they can look like they are actually crawling on your body. The finished result is definitely fascinating and if you choose a distinctive style of lizards, then sure enough people will automatically turn their heads on your tattoo.
• What is more, you will also notice that there are other lizard tattoos that are drawn in a very funny or comical way. A very popular kind of these lizard tattoo designs is the gecko which may create some sort of optical illusion when you look closely to it. However, in real life, you will learn that geckos are very colorful creatures and they can definitely stick to any surface. In addition, they have some sort of creepy manner on them that just fascinates people or at least zoologists and tattoo enthusiasts at that. That is why if you are also awed by such creatures, you can ask your tattoo artist to draw one on your body as well.
• If perhaps you are already planning to do gecko tattoos on your body, then you should make sure that they will come in bright yellow and green, and at times you may even add a little blue to the designs. When you choose to follow these color combinations, you are sure that your lizard tattoo will pop up on your body. However, if you do not want anything colorful for your tattoo, then you can go with black and white. Having a monochromatic tone on your tattoo is still as sophisticated and classy compared to colorful ones.
• On the other hand, if you do not want a gecko for a tattoo, then perhaps you can go with a chameleon design instead. It will look just as perfect and beautiful as a gecko and you can even ask your tattoo artist to have it drawn with bright colors. The best way of getting these tattoos is on your back so that people may look at it as if a true lizard is creeping on your shoulders or back.

Top 5 Sexy Body-Spots For Tattoos

Now that you know what tattoo you want, where on your body will you put it? Remember, tattoos are permanent--you only get one shot at getting the tattoo design right. Tattoos express one's heartfelt emotions, as well as one's lifestyle. So here are the five top places where people put their tattoos and why.
Lower Back
Because low-rise jeans are popular in the fashion world, this makes the lower back one of the sexy spots for a woman to have a tattoo. The lower back has abundant space for a large design, and horizontal tattoo designs works best. Lower-back tattoos attract people, because they can be inconspicuous, and they are highly noticeable.
Women have amazing feet. Foot tattoos have become popular with people living in warmer climates who mainly favor walking barefoot. Foot tattoos symbolize chastity and candor. Foot tattoos are preferred mostly by women, because these tattoos do not exhibit too much and are visible only to near and dear ones.
Belly Button
Most girls like to wear cut-off or low-cut shirts with a belly ring, so this makes the tattoo popular in that area of the body for women. This area of the body is less painful. The belly button is a way to draw attention to a great set of abs.
Ankle tattoos have been popular for a very long time. They can be very subtle or very bold. These too are less painful, because the lower part of the leg tends to be fleshier than the foot itself. A design placed on an ankle somehow creates the illusion that the woman is somebody to take notice of.
The back is a great place for a tattoo, because the area is so big you have a lot of space to work with. If you like tribal, then you may want to take this into consideration for an upper-back tattoo. They are also popular for an indoor or professional setting. The upper-back tattoo can be hidden under almost any garment. This is great for someone who is in a professional workplace setting where others might frown upon a large-sized tattoo.

Popular Tattooed Body Parts

Looks does matter in today's world. People love to flaunt their looks with different types of clothes and accessories. Tattoos are the latest fashion statement. Many people across the world love to wear tattoos on different parts of their body to look more attractive and beautiful. If you are in search of ideas on this issue, you can search the internet. There are many websites created for the purpose of helping to find their favorite tattoo designs and ideas. There are different types of tattoo designs, ideas and symbols. People flaunt these tattoos on different parts of their bodies thus attracting others. It is considered as a mark of expression for many people. According to the reports, more women than men love to wear tattoos. They create tattoos on different parts of their body to attract their partners. Many ladies browse through the sites that provide information on this issue. They use these ideas and designs to wear tattoos.
Some people are there who get still puzzled to see people looking for tattoo symbols and designs for specific body parts. They consider it a bit awkward. In the past, people used to select a tattoo that was important, and then they used to consult with the tattoo artist. After that, they used to decide the body part where he/she would like to wear the tattoo. But with the change of time and the blessings of the internet technology, many people are selecting internet as the right place for finding the tattoo symbols and designs.
Before wearing any tattoo, especially the permanent ones, you need to keep in mind certain important things. It is wrong to think that all the body parts are equal. Not all the body areas are the same. Some are more sensitive than others. So, you need to consider this issue seriously. Tattoos on knuckles, elbows, feet and knees are not so famous for fading out. A good artist considers these issues and creates a tattoo that looks beautiful on your body. He can also help you in selecting the right body part for creating the tattoo.
4 most popular tattooed body parts are:
1. Wrist Tattoos - It is one of the popular tattoos. It can be hidden under a bracelet or a watch if you like.
2. Lower Back Tattoos are also popular among the masses. Most of the women love to create tattoos on this area of their body.
3. Foot Tattoos - Some people also love to wear tattoos on their feet.
4. Ankle Tattoos - There are also people who like to create tattoos on their ankles.
There are lots popular tattooed body parts, here are some for you to check out:
1. Arm tattoo designs, there are some really amazing arm tattoos.
2. Armband designs.
3. Chest designs.
4. Forearm designs.
5. Hip designs.
6. Leg designs.
7. Neck designs.
8. Rib designs.
9. Shoulder designs.
10. Upper back designs.
That's all fellow tattoos lovers, those are the most popular tattooed body part. I hope you enjoyed this. Check out [] for the most amazing body tattoos, and the galleries that got them.

Mehndi Body Art Tattoos

Mehndi - also called "henna tattoos" - is a type of body art that gained popularity in the West during the 1990s. The name henna tattoos is a little misleading as this type of body art tattoo is not permanently inked into the skin as it is done with the traditional type of tattoo, but is a temporary form of body art that done using a dye that is derived from the henna plant which is native to the desert regions of the Middle East, Africa, and India.
While Mehndi body art has been traditionally used for special occasions such as festivals and weddings, many individuals are now creating their own unique style of body art tattoos that represent various things such as their religion, a significant event in their lives, or various other types of symbolism.
This form of body decoration has become popular all over the globe for several reasons including the fact that anyone can learn how to create their very own unique designs and apply them at home. While these tattoos are not permanent, they typically last for a period of three to four weeks at which time an individual can choose to re-apply the same design or create another.
Mehndi tattoos can also be applied by a professional who specializes in the art of Mehndi tattooing; however, many individuals have learned how to apply their own tattoos with their very own creative designs. Traditional Mehndi designs include geometrical shapes, floral patterns, and intricate designs created out of fine lines and are typically tattooed on the hands or feet, however, any type of design can be created and applied anywhere on the body.

Tattoo Salons Create Body Art

For some people their individual self expression is best represented by their body art. Using symbols, images and decorative patterns to permanently markup their body with the own unique sense of self, a lot of people visit New York tattoo parlors to have their body inked by a professional artist.
Creating a number of unique and very personal tattoos that are beautifully designed in various colors of ink the artists that work in the New York tattoo industry are able to give their clients the exact images that want to identify themselves with. For people from every walk of life there is a tattoo that can help them to express their individual sense of style and give others some insight into their personality. For some people a small tattoo that can be covered by clothing allows them to be professional during the day and playful at night.
What many people discover after receiving their first tattoo is that body art can be an addictive hobby. Often returning to the same New York tattoo artist to add to their collection of body art, most people that go in for a simple tattoo return to have another area of their body imprinted with the intricate artwork. For some people the small and simple tattoos are enough to satisfy their craving for something that makes them an individual, but for others the self expression of their life can be found on tattoos that cover a large portion of their body. Whole arms, shoulders a thigh or the back and neck are all covered by the transformative artwork that can be very interesting and attractive.

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