Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Tattoos

Valentine's Day is just as good of day as any to get a tattoo. However, a lot of people tend to get a little too romantic on this particular holiday in the tattoo department. Several people will visit their local tattoo parlor or studio and get the ill fated lover's name tattooed on them. This is the ultimate tattoo no no. Tattoo artists themselves advise their clients not to go through will name tattoos because 90% of them end up being a huge regret.
If you are dead set on getting a tattoo on Valentine's Day you may want to consider some alternatives. If you are a woman go with a cute little hot pink heart somewhere on your body or get a beautiful rose. Better yet if you are the boyfriend, or husband of the woman buy them a tattoo of their favorite flower, that way they will have it forever. Now if you are a man getting a Valentine's Day tattoo is a little more tricky. You could always go with the traditional tattoo of a heart with a dagger going through it and have the word MOM written in the middle.
None the less if you are considering getting a tattoo on this lover's holiday be sure that you have given a ton of thought to it and don't make a huge mistake. Just remember tattoos are forever and sadly love does not last forever. Human beings fall in and out of love all the time. So be very wise about your tattoo choice.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Men's Tattoo Designs Reflect Personality Traits!

The tattoo design you choose tells a lot about your personality. There are several popular men's tattoo designs like zodiac signs, Celtic designs, symbols and tribal tattoo designs. For instance a zodiac tattoo may depict a scorpion for someone that is a Scorpio. A person whom falls under the sign of Taurus may choose a bull.
Tribal tattoos are extremely popular but differ based on the origin of the tribe selected. For example, a Japanese tribal tattoo would look very different from a Hawaiian tattoo. Other choices for tribal tattoo designs include Celtic designs, Tribal dragons and Native American themes.

For animal lovers there are a lot of individualized Animal designs available. The skill and design of veteran artists have created stunning tattoos of wolves, tigers, birds, and snakes. The Chinese dragon has been a long time choice of men throughout history and remains very popular today.

Of all the men's tattoo designs, one that has an extensive history in the world and still remains one of the most requested designs would be none other than "name designs". From names of your wife, girlfriend, mother, favorite motorcycle brand, or spiritual belief, men have been adorning their bodies with names for years now. Name designs probably will never lose their popularity.

Equally important in choosing the design of the tattoo will be choosing the location on your body where it will be placed. Whatever tattoo design appeals to you, you need to decide if you want it visible or invisible. Visible, is usually an area of the body typically exposed such as an arm, wrist, neck, ankle, etc. Invisible is usually more private such as a buttock, thigh, lower back, or below an underwear line. With the longevity of tattoos you want to insure that you will be both happy with the design as well as where you have placed it.
Tattooing is a special art that allows us to decorate our bodies with a statement about our beliefs and personality. Everywhere we go, this art accompanies us signifying a little bit about who we are or what we believe in.

If you are considering a tattoo, always take into consideration the symbolic design and intrinsic value behind your tattoo. Is it a symbol or design that has long-term meaning and is not a just a passing fad? What statement do you want to make convey about your personality in the form of a tattoo? How do you choose the best men's tattoo design for your personality or do you want to create your own unique design?
Whatever design or placement you choose, choose wisely! When it comes to a tattoo, quick decisions can last a lifetime.

Men and Womens Tattoo Designs

Anybody who walks into a tattoo parlor might be greeted with a wide range of eye-catching and colorful tattoos, including everything from simple photographs that are very complex. Apart from those that have already chosen their most well-liked image, it may be very troublesome to pick from the various tattoo designs on the spot. Even in case you have already chosen a design, the artist may be able to present you with several totally different options to make your tattoo designs even more personable.
Earlier than arriving for the application of a tattoo, it is best to have a choice of designs in mind earlier than you enter the parlor. Although there are some exceptions, most men and women will naturally be drawn to completely different designs. Men, for example, would probably favor something masculine, while ladies often choose one thing dainty and sexy. Of all tattoo designs, ladies commonly choose hearts, butterflies, flowers, lettering, etc. The most popular placement, for girls, is the shoulder, decrease again and ankle. Males, on the other hand, often favor that their tattoo designs be placed on the higher arm, chest or back.

While there are designs that are gender particular, it is important to remember that getting a tattoo is a really private thing and the image that's ultimately chosen ought to be one that displays something that is necessary to the wearer. Upon discussing the varied tattoo designs with the artist, the shopper will acquire a greater understanding of the completely different options and designs available.

Many individuals choose tattoo designs from these introduced at the parlor, whereas others desire to do some research and help ensure that their design is in contrast to any other. For certain designs, some individuals want to look at real life pictures or flick through artwork for ideas pertaining to their tattoos. In the event you discover a picture that you simply like, merely take it to the artist for an analysis as as to if or not the picture may be recreated within the form of a tattoo.

This article is for use for informational functions only. The information contained herein isn't meant to be used instead of, or together with, professional medical advice or suggestions for tattoos or placement. Prior to getting a tattoo, people ought to seek the advice of with their physician to make it possible for it is a safe procedure for them to endure. Some people shouldn't get a tattoo if they've sure medical situations or a weakened immune system. For further data, seek the advice of a physician or dermatologist.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Express Yourself With Cool Tattoos

Do you want to find the ultimate way to express yourself? Well if you are ready to take a really big risk then getting a cool tattoo would be the best way to do this. Choosing a tattoo can be extremely difficult though because it is going to remain on you for the rest of your life. You will really have to think of something good that means a lot to you if you want it to fit you for the rest of your life. Plus, you never know when you are going to change or stop liking it. It is hard to pick a tattoo but there are a few steps to follow if you want to pick one that will be with your for the rest of your life.

The first thing to think about is the reason for the tattoo. Why do you want the tattoo? There are many reasons people get tattoos and you should figure out why you want yours so badly. It is important to understand yourself before getting the tattoo because you do not want to do something you will regret later on. Getting a tattoo because you can is probably a reason you will regret later on. It is understandable that you would want to see what it is like, but you should make sure that you know what you are doing first. Never let someone pressure you into getting a tattoo because it is very permanent and painful.

The next important thing to figure out is what you want your cool tattoo to be. What is the design going to be? You will really need to think about this very carefully because you will want it to be something special to you. If you want help with it you can always ask the help of an artist and they will help you come up with something. But do not expect it do be everything you wanted and more. If you really want a design that will represent yourself you will need to make it yourself. It is also a new experience to try shaping things and seeing what you feel fits you.

You will also need to know where you are going to place your tat. It all depends on the statement you want to make. If you want to show it off to the world and spread a message about who you are then you should have it visible. If you want to keep it hidden as a secret then you should keep it somewhere it will not be seen. When you are deciding on a place to put it you will have to think about the type of clothes you wear because that will determine whether it will be hidden or not. Also, the place you pick will give your tat a completely different meaning.

And finally make sure that you pick a tattoo artist that will do a job that you will love. There are some artists that specialize in a certain style of tattoo. You will have to do enough research and you will also have to consider prices. Take your time, your cool tattoos will not run away anywhere.

Cool Tattoos For Guys - 5 Cool And Hot Tattoo Designs For Men

Here's 5 cool tattoos for guys. Consider these ink options as they have been around for a long time and always will be considered cool.

1. Star Tattoos. Not many other tattoos have all these things going for them: simplicity yet strong symbolism, modern and old school design, small or big, can be placed and look good anywhere on the body, and they have a solid and strong history. Stars are strong tattoos which have various forms of symbolism. They have stood the test of time as their history goes back to sailors who would get nautical stars to symbolize safe journeys at sea. Now days mixed martial arts fighters, military, musicians, and anyone else wishing to symbolize finding ones own direction in life get the star tattoo.

2. Old School Tats. Cool tattoos for guys should definitely include the old school designs. Now days we've become lost in the modern trends of tattooing. Too much tribal trends and chain links around the biceps. Come on, let's get back to the real deal old school ink. These tats have stood the test of time proving that they overpower all the other trendy ink that comes and goes. If you really want to find some cool tattoos for guys, then look to the past in order to find your future ink.

3. Full Sleeve. Now days there are some incredible full sleeve designs that look great on guys. It used to be full sleeves were a blur of unrecognizable ink that would badly fade throughout the years. Now you have full sleeves that pop out with detail, are filled with intense color and are really works of art.

4. Half Sleeve. If you don't want to go all the way, half sleeves can be just as intense, while costing less and requiring less time to put on. You can choose to do your forearm or your upper arm. Half sleeves can actually draw more detailed attention, as you have less of a space to view, rather than getting "lost" in the overall intensity of a full sleeve.

5. Dragon Tattoos. Finally, we have dragon tattoos that sometimes don't get as much attention as they should. These are classic, strong designs, filled with detail and color. Dragon tats are actually a good alternative if you don't want to get a full sleeve or half sleeve, but you still want to get an intense design that can cover a lot of a particular body area.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Tattoos: The Primitive Art of Body Decoration

There are various ways in which humans decorate their bodies. Today they use cosmetics, colors and ornaments to adorn themselves. However, humans living as early as in the Neolithic times had other ways of decorating themselves- the Tattoos. Tattoos are in vogue even today, but in mainstream culture, it is largely a part of popular fashion and only in some countries do we find tattoos etched for more spiritual or etymological reasons. The art of tattooing was first mentioned by Joseph Banks who accompanied Cook in his 1769 voyage on the "Endeavour". Since then, the interest in tattoos has steadily increased and later it was discovered that people in Japan, Taiwan, Turkey, Africa, Cambodia, New Zealand and some other countries, Tattoos continue to be a part of their lives.
The Technique: Tattoos are made with the help of inedible ink, that is, once it is inserted into the dermis layer of the skin, it changes the pigmentation. As a result, the mark becomes permanent. When this is done on an intricate design, the result is the beautiful tattoo, a permanent design on the skin. Today however, various methods of temporary tattoos are also very much in vogue for those who like changing the designs every few days. So tattoos done with removable ink and even sticker tattoos which can be easily put in with the help of adhesives are also extremely popular.
Purpose of Tattoos: As mentioned earlier, though tattoos are vastly used nowadays for decorative purposes, in ancient times they were used by cults and brotherhoods for sacred rites of initiation and to demarcate ranks with secret societies, and also a kind of identification to prove that person's being a part of any group. In other cases, they were used for spiritual and religious purposes. They were used by the women strategically to enhance their seductive appeal, whereas some tattoos were used by the high-men and priests as symbols to ward off evil. It can be said that whole social structures have been based on tattoos as they became a symbol for the person who had it etched.
Taboos: However, it has to be mentioned that in many parts of the world, tattoos are infamous, largely due to the fact that they are very much popular in the world of anti-socials and underworld. A person flaunting it simply because of decorative purposes can find that he is shunned by people at work and in his social life because to contemporary men, they are a symbol of dark, pagan rituals or tribal arts which are not to be practiced. But, there is still no denying the artwork of the tattoos and the true admirers recognize the hard work and the potential of the tattoo-makers to the fullest.

Tattoo Placement - Choose the Tattoo Design and Body Position You Want

You can find tattoo designs anywhere. Though many people like to draw their own images if you are not artistically inclined you can find some sources to help you get the perfect image placed onto your body. By looking online, in books, and even at tattoo studios you can find the perfect personal image to place onto your body.
Once you have done your research you can start to narrow down your selections. The most important thing when selecting your tattoo design is that you choose something that speaks to you. A tattoo is really a piece of personal expression, and you want to be sure that you choose something that really helps to express who you are.
Additionally, you want to be sure that you choose an image that expresses who you are today as well as one that is going to remain relevant as you age. Your college mascot may be incredibly important to you now, but will you care as much in your sixties? For some people they remain die hard fans through the years, but for others their enthusiasm in the alma mater will wane. You will want to give this some thought before you commit to having it drawn on your body.
Whilst you are selecting the image to center you design around you will want to think about where you are going to place it. The placement of your tattoo can directly affect the design because the size of your design is often tied to the surface area that you have available for your tattoo. If you want to have something placed on the inside of your wrist chances are that you cannot have a full face portrait of a loved on tattooed on that area. However, if you are interested in having a tattoo put onto your back you have a larger surface area to work with.
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